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Writer's pictureSameera Rahman

Wells from the time of Prophet Muhammad in Madinah

This post highlights some of the historically significant wells worth visiting in Madinah al Munawara which is believed to have been visited by Prophet Muhammad Pbuh. Each well is accompanied by a brief historical background and its exact Google location for convenient reference during your visit to Madinah. Below is a comprehensive list of the wells featured in this article.

Wells from the time of Prophet in Madinah

Well of Uthman bin Affan(Roomah Well)

  • Roomah Well (the well of the truly guided Caliph Uthman Ibn Affan RA ).

  • An ancient well originally belonging to a man from the Ghifar tribe by the name of “Roomah”.

  • The well held the freshest of waters during the prophetic age. Muslims were in dire need of the well, which, at the time, was owned by a Jewish man who sold its water.

  • The Messenger of Allah motivated his companions to buy the water and donate it as a charity for Muslims.

  • Therefore, Uthman ibn Affan RA bought it and spent it for the cause of Allah. He then further dug the well and expanded it, and so it was renamed after him.

  • Today, there is no access to this well as it is protected by the farm's boundary wall. However, you can view the pulley wheel of the well and the farm from the street.

  • Location:

Well of Ghars (Bir Ghars)

  • Bir Ghars was among the wells cherished by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) for its refreshing water.

  • He drank from it, performed ablution (Wudhu) with its water, and requested to be washed with its water after his passing.

  • Location:

Well of Ethq

  • The place where Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was welcomed upon his arrival in Madinah from Makkah alongside Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him).

  • The place holds significant spiritual importance due to this historical event.

  • The owner requests a fee of SAR10 for adult visitors.

  • Location:

Well of Arees

  • Also known as Bir al-Khatim, this well holds historical significance.

  • During the caliphate of Hazrat Uthman Ghani, he followed the Prophet's Sunnah by performing ablution at this well.

  • While performing ablution, Hazrat Uthman's ring, which was used by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to seal letters for heads of state, fell into the well.

  • Despite Hazrat Uthman's efforts, including draining all the water from the well for three days, the ring could not be found.

  • Location:

Well of Abu Talha (Haa)

  • This garden and well were owned by Abu Talha (may Allah be pleased with him).

  • Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) frequently visited this well and drank from it because of its sweet water.

  • Abu Talha gifted this property to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), but he instructed him to distribute it among Abu Talha's heirs.

  • Today, the well is integrated into Masjid e Nabavi and can be reached through Door No. 22. There is a different color tile on the floor to recognize it.

  • Location: Enter from Gate No. 22, and immediately turn right.

Well of Abu Talha - Bir Haa - HowSaudi

Well of Ehn (Al-Yaseerah)

  • It is situated in the place of residence of Banu Ummayah bin Zaid.

  • This well was called Al-Aseera (the difficult matter) but when Prophet Muhammad peace upon him visited Banu Ummayah.

  • Prophet performed ablution using its water and called it "Al-Yaseera(the easy matter)".

  • It was with the water of this well that the companion Abu Salamah bin 'Abdul Asad Al- Makhzoomey RA was washed after his death from the wounds he sustained during the Battle of Uhud.

  • Location:

Well of Bosa

  • Prophet Muhamad, peace and blessings of God be upon him, used to come to the children of the martyrs and take care of their families.

  • One day he asked for a Sidr tree, so he washed his head with it and poured water from the well of Al-Bassa.

  • It is believed a strand of hair of Prophet Muhammad fell into the well while washing.

  • The Well is located at the exit of the famous Al Baik Restaurant.

  • Location:

Well of Arawha (Bir Arawha)

  • Prophet Muhamad drank water during the march from Madina to Badr for the battle.

  • In the masjid nearby as per Hadeeth, about 70 prophets prayed there.

  • The water from the well is believed to cure many illnesses.

  • Location:

Well of Shifa (Bir Shifa)

  • It is situated about 100kms from Madinah and 18kms from Bir Arawha

  • The water initially was bitter and caused illness to people or animals drinking from it.

  • When Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) came to know about this, he spat in the water and the water turned sweet and drinkable.

  • Location:

If you know of any wells in Madinah that did not make it to the list, please share them in the comment box.

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