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Writer's pictureSameera Rahman

Historical Masjids to Visit in Madinah

This article highlights renowned and historically significant mosques worth visiting in Madinah al Munawara. Each mosque is accompanied by a brief historical background and its exact Google location for convenient reference during your visit to Madinah. Below is a comprehensive list of the Historical Masjids in Madinah featured in this article.

Historical Masjids of Madinah


  • Also known as the Prophet's Mosque, it is located in Madinah.

  • It houses the tomb of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).

  • It is the 2nd largest Mosque in the World.

  • There is an area called Riyaz-ul-Jannah within the mosque, which is believed to be the Garden from Gardens of Heaven.

  • Location:


  • First Mosque of Islam.

  • Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) emphasized the merit of performing two rak'ahs (units of prayer) in this mosque, equating it to performing an Umrah pilgrimage.

  • It is located about 3.5 kilometers south of Masjid-e-Nabawi (the Prophet's Mosque) in Medina, making it easily accessible for visitors.

  • There is a walkway called Quba Avenue/Quba Road directly from Masjid-e-Nabawi that will directly lead you to this mosque

  • Location:


  • Also known as Mosque of Two Qiblas

  • Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) was leading prayers in Masjid-e-Qiblatain, and he received a revelation directing Muslims to change their qiblah from Jerusalem to Mecca. This event is recorded in the Quran (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 144).

  • Approximately 2.5 kilometers from Masjid-e-Nabawi (the Prophet's Mosque).

  • Location:


  • Also known as the Mosque of Clouds

  • According to Islamic tradition, Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) performed the Eid prayer at this mosque, and during his sermon, a cloud appeared overhead, providing shade for him and the congregation. This event is mentioned in various Hadith.

  • According to another narration, there was a drought in Madinah, and Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) had prayed Salat-ul-Istasqa (prayer for rain).

  • It is located 500 meters west of the As-Salam door of Al-Masjid an-Nabawi.

  • Location:

Masjid-al-Abu Bakr Siddiq

  • Masjid-e-Abu Bakr Siddiq is named in honor of Abu Bakr Siddiq RA, who was the closest companion of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and the first caliph of Islam. He was known for his unwavering faith and dedication to Islam.

  • It is said that it was a site where Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) used to offer Eid prayers and the same tradition was continued by Abu Bakr after Prophet Muhammad's death.

  • It is located 550 meters west of the As-Salam door of Al-Masjid an-Nabawi. (Northwest of Masjid-e-Ghamamah)

  • Location:

Masjid-al-Umar bin Khatab

  • Masjid-e-Umar bin Khatab is named in honor of Umar bin Khatab RA.

  • He was 2nd Caliph of Islam

  • It is said that it was a site where Umar bin Khatab Ra led the EID Prayers.

  • Location:

Masjid-al-Usman bin Affan

  • Masjid-e-Usman bin Affan is named in honor of Usman bin Affan RA

  • He was 3rd Caliph of Islam

  • It is said that it was a site where Umar bin Khatab RA led the EID Prayers.

  • Location:

Masjid-al-Ali ibn Abi Talib

  • Masjid-e-Ali ibn Abi Talib is named in honor of Ali ibn Abi Talib RA, who was the son-in-law, close companion, and the fourth caliph of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).

  • This is the place where Hazrat Ali RA prayed Eid prayers during Khilafat

  • Precisely located about 290 meters west of the Nabawi Mosque and 122 meters north of the Al Ghamamah Mosque.

  • Currently closed for renovation, however, you can have a good view of the mosque from outside.

  • Location:

Masjid-al-Imam Bukhari

  • Masjid-e-Imam Bukhari is named in honor of Imam Bukhari, one of the most renowned scholars of hadith (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)). He is best known for compiling the Hadith collection known as Sahih al-Bukhari, considered one of the most authentic sources of Islamic teachings.

  • It is believed to be the house of Imam Bukhari earlier where he researched and compiled the Sahih Bukhari.

  • Located around 250 meters from the North East exit of Masjid-e-Nabawi.

  • Location:


  • The mosque holds significance as it commemorates a Prophetic tradition where Prophet Muhammad performed the first Jummah prayer in an open area outside of Madinah, before the construction of Masjid-e-Nabawi.

  • Located approximately 2.5 km from Masjid-e-Nabawi, can be accessed through Quba Avenue/Quba Road.

  • Location:

Masjid-al-Bani Anif(Masbah)

  • It was given this name because it is located in the area where the tribe of Bani Anif lived.

  • This is the place where the Quba people first welcomed our Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) at the time of the hijrat.

  • Located approx 400 meters southwest of Masjid-e-Quba.

  • Location:


  • Prophetic Biography literature mentions that the Prophet (ﷺ) prayed in the mosque in Uhud in Al-Jirar tributary right next to the mountain after the fighting was over on the day of Uhud (the 3rd year A.H)

  • There are some accounts of the Islamic prophet Muhammad fulfilling the Zuhr prayer on the day of the Battle of Uhud after the battle.

  • Location:

Masjid al Sabah (The Seven Mosques)

It's a group of six small, historical mosques located in the Trench Battlefield, which are frequently visited by people. Even though it's called the "Seven Mosques," there are only six now because one was demolished by the Saudi Government to make a big one to accommodate more people to pray.

  1. Masjid-al-Fath - This mosque is the biggest in the area, and it sits below Mount Sala' in the west. - It's called "Al-Fath" because the Prophet prayed there during a big battle, and the Muslims won. "Al-Fath" means victory in Arabic. - It was built a long time ago by Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz. - It was renovated in the year 1154 by Minister Saifuddin Abu al-Hija when Mecca was ruled by Sharifate.

  2. Masjid-al-Salman Farsi - The mosque is situated 20 meters south of Al-Fath Mosque. - It's named after Salman Al-Farsi, who played a key role in building trenches during the Battle of the Trench. - Constructed during the era of Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz, it underwent renovation in 1154 by Minister Saifuddin Abu al-Hija when Mecca was under the rule of the Sharifate.

  3. Masjid-al-Abu Bakr Siddiq - Situated 15 meters southeast of Salman Al-Farsi Mosque.

  4. Masjid-e-Umar bin Khatab - Situated 10 meters south of Abu Bakar As-Siddiq Mosque, this mosque rests at a higher elevation. - Its architectural style resembles that of Al-Fath Mosque, leading to the belief that they were constructed and renovated simultaneously.

  5. Masjid-al-Fathima Azahra - This small mosque, measuring 4 by 3 meters, is connected to the adjacent mosques. - It was constructed during the Ottoman era of the Hejaz Vilayet, under the rule of Sultan Abdulmejid I.

  6. Masjid-al-Ali bin Abi Talib - Situated south of Fathimah Az-Zahra Mosque atop a small hill, this mosque measures 8.5 meters in length and 6.5 meters in width. - Legend has it that Ali participated in the Battle of the Trench from this very location.

  7. Masjid-al-Kandaq (Trench) - It is a large mosque built by the Saudi government to accommodate more people. - Named after the battle which took place on the very site - Battle of Trench.


Masjid al Bani Haram

  • The house of Sahabi Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) was situated here, where a notable event took place.

  • While digging the trench during the Battle of Azhab(Trench), Jabir RA noticed the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) suffering from hunger.

  • That night, Jabir RA asked his wife to prepare a meal who had only one small sheep and some barley.

  • Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) secretly invited the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to the meal.

  • The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) instructed Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) not to remove the pot from the fire or bake the dough until his return.

  • With the miracle of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the food meant for two people was miraculously eaten by a thousand companions.

  • Location:

If you know of any mosques in Madinah that did not make it to the list, please share them in the comment box.


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